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How Wildlife Protection Affects The Economy


According to the living planet report, 2018 published by The World life Funds, the wildlife population become halved over the past four years. On average world economic forum has documented an astonishing 60% decline in the population of mammals, insects, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. The top threats underpin in this report are directly linked to anthropogenic activities, habitat loss, overhunting, overfishing etc. Carter Roberts, president and CEO of WWF-US said, this has created urgency among the whole nation as the report shows warning shots. It reminds us we need to change. 

Wildlife protection causes both cost and benefits to society. Benefits from wildlife predation, livestock, hunting and fishing lead to an almost 56% decline in wildlife and 23% are almost at the edge of survival. Consequently, a reduction in carnivores’ predation on livestock in eastern and Sub-Saharan Africa severely reduces the quality of life (Gren, 2018). Apart from that the conversation of wildlife residence into agriculture land occurring mainly in developing countries causing raises of economic cost but it reduces the animal counts residing on top of food level chain. In this article, we try to present an exploratory overview on the estimation of values and costs of wildlife as well as trying to elaborate national policies meant to describe economic incentives for conflict resolution among stakeholders.


During the conference of the parties of the convention on migratory species (CMS), more than 120 countries came together to decide whether to grant protection to migratory and endangered species such as African lions, polar bears, hammerheads including sharks and whales. Online assignment help team found since these species move from different boundaries, countries that have signed CMS agreements considering adopting the resolution to mitigate the risk of exposure to migratory wildlife. 

Over the past decades, policymakers are putting tremendous effort into aware of the benefits and costs of wildlife to the economy. The majority of small island developing states and countries are dependent on tourism, for instance, the global diving industry generates $4 billion in revenue every year from utilizing wildlife resources in fact in Fiji the shark diving industry generates massive revenue for its GDP worth of $42.2 million per year(Lewis, David & Nelson, Erik. 2014). 

In a study of United states fish and wildlife services, it was revealed the bird watchers making a huge amount for the US economy worth $32 million similarly Safari in Kenya contributes to $1 billion per year( Gen, 2018).

World economic forum collaborated with the CMS to encourage the free flow of migratory animals also imposes guidelines via countries can reduce the number of threats by making sustainable policies. However, things on the paper could see a wide range of gaps when it moves to implementation

As per the economic prospectus and assignment helperthe population size of wildlife-related to the cost and associated benefits to the society. A few studies have shown the conflicts among the stakeholder and wildlife threat could be adjusted by forming potential economic policies also systematically allocating the cost and benefits to the preservation of wildlife, Many times it has been seen some stakeholders are not ready to compromise while there is some stakeholder who blamed for the wildlife intervene policies to reducing their yearly income. One of the significant reasons was identified is massive changes in land farming over the past 50 years, according to UK wildlife reports. Since 1980s government are offering farming incentives and urges not to convert wildlife lands into agriculture lands, but the recent facts depicted the changes even more worrisome than it was back in 10 years ago. 

In Africa, Lions numbers are declining due to illegal hunting poaching, but if we take local perspectives, lions are harmful to the livestock as they pose an innumerable danger. Economic advises poorly designed environmental policies are making the plight of wildlife even worse. 

Economic Efficiency And Failure

Environmental economies have become one of the significant factors as people have become concerned about environmental damages. The fact that some wildlife whether it is flora and fauna are on the verge of being threatened is considered a special form of wildlife damages. 

Economic efficiency is defined as the maximization of well-being and citizen welfare within society. Economists use monetary metrics in terms of defining economic surplus. The surplus accruing to consumer identify the difference between what consumer pay for goods and services and what they get from consuming bundle of goods and services.  

Both wildlife exploitation and cost has to take into account while making policy for maximum output, however, it will be necessary to develop the economic incentives. However, it is less clear how much wildlife conservation affects economic growth. The economic theory proposes that services consumption from the natural habitat leads to lesser damage to wildlife habitat. But in reality, economists and assignment writer believed not all the economic activities consumes no natural resources that will be only in theories. For instance, many health care services are using ozone-depleting substances and toxins. A service will be viable only when enough consumers are available to purchase goods.

Based on the simple percepts, economic growth and wildlife conservation are conflicting goals. In principle, conflicts have been surge deeply among stakeholders when some of the stakeholders are not able to fully compensate for the loss caused by the eradication of natural habitat

Over the years, the wildlife society (TWS) is reviewing the relationship between economic growth and wildlife conservation. The report derived concludes economics is paramount to wildlife conservation since economics is the dominant science at all of the levels of government policy-making procedure. 

In 2015, the 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development formally adopted by the entire United Nation member shared a blueprint for prosperity and the planet now and for the future. At its core, one of the goals of sustainable development continually focused on biodiversity driven policies.

Economics Of Threatened Species

Currently, it was getting dull and mist engulfing the forest spotting survival even more difficult. Although the nations have developed several wildlife conservation policies some of successful in the pocket, stabilizing in human size and reducing the human-caused impacts becoming even more challenging than ever. Earth’s population is around 7 billion estimated to increase by 76 million per year. International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species, established in 1964 reported more than 37400 species is threatened. The purpose of the red list is to inform the decisions taken by multilateral environment agreements. At present, there are 41% amphibian, 34% conifers, 33% red reefs corals, 14% birds, and 23% mammals are at the risk of declining. The IUCN list is used by different governmental agencies, policymakers’ wildlife conservators’ students, and universities massively to create urgency in citizens. With time IUCN list turned out to be an indispensable part of economies (Bulte,, 2003).

Despite the high proportion of the threatened species, countries collaborated with the United national making an effort to reverse or halting the declining biodiversity. A paper published under the journal of conservation biology attributes to thanks how closely a species being fully functional in the wide range reported due to actions. pink pigeon (Nesoenas mayeri), and grey wolf (Canis lupus) were saved from extinction because of collective efforts made by many governmental and non-governmental organizations of different countries(Trauger., 2003)

Dr Jon Paul Rodríguez, Chair of the IUCN Species Survival Commission addressed during the conference, The IUCN green status aims to formulate a conservational guide and meeting sustainable goal 2030 or beyond to provide qualifying metrics to cheer conservation success. The IUCN green status of the wildlife integrated into IUCNRed list of Threatened species in order to provide a complete picture of decline or increasing biodiversity, risk exposure, and recovery progress. Get to know more about IUCN red list from Sourceessay online essay help team

How Many Species Extinct So Far

Extinction has been identified as a natural process of planetary revolution. In 2020, IUCN have not accounted all the taxonomic group in fact 6% of all have been assessed. Till the data 90% of the 4 billion species either have gone or red-listed by IUCN. 

Source- Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser (2021)

Many experts and essay typer opined we are at the sixth stage of planetary evolution as the living planet index reported an average of 68% decline in wildlife population since 1970. The major loss accounted for the tropical regions that support most of the diverse ecosystem. The United Nations Convention biodiversity on biological diversity set the twenty Aichi Biodiversity targets expected to be achieved by 2022 however no one has achieved the date. 

As given in the above chart, we can say out of 900 species have touched the extinction zone since 2015, and as per Roser and Ritchie, 2020 study, 85 mammals, 159 birds, 80 fishes, and 35 amphibians categorized as accurately estimated stats of species being extinct either because of habitat loss or progressive economical activities. 

The IUCN provides the data for the groups where approximately 80% of species have been evaluated. Around one-quarter of the mammal’s population, 1 in 6 bird species and almost 40% of the amphibians are at risk. 

Many essay helpers said continuous human pressure on wildlife is responsible for pushing the wildlife in the blink of extinction. Why and When did it happen no one knows?

But before taking individual level extinction scenarios, we have to first understand the influence of mass extinction on the country’s economy. Extinction occurs naturally and periodically over time nevertheless background rate to the timing and frequency will be constant. Evolution leads to the generation of new species with extinction. It would tell us there is another specification that has been running off as a part of the evolutionary process

In the case of mass extinction, it is referred to as a much higher extinction rate than normal with time. During mass extinction, at least 70% of the species enter in extinction sphere in the shortest time interval greatly imbalance the food chain reducing the success rate and inhibit the natural process of extinction (Pennoyer 2000).  

There are 5 major events of Mass extinction that have been recorded on the earth 500 million years ago history. It shows major mass extinction came into light either because of climate changes or the composition of land, ocean and surroundings.



Species Percentage Lost

Causes of Extinction

End Ordovician



Intense interglacial and glacial create massive swings in the sea level moves upto shoreline drastically. Tectonics uplifts of the Appalachian mountain created ample weathering, sequestration co2 along with it ocean chemistry got changed

Late Devonian



Diversification of planets and rapid growth generated severe and rapid cooling

End Permian                                         



Intense volcanic activities noted I Siberia, causing global warming, elevated CO2 and Sulfur concentration lead to ocean acidification, acid rain

End Triassic                                          



Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) underwater volcanic activity causing global warming dramatic shift in ocean current, climate change

End Cretaceous



Asteroid collision in Yucatán, Mexico causes global cataclysm and cooling. Intense volcanic activity and tectonic uplift also noticed

Source- Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser, 2021

Get to know more about mass extinction and its impact on the economic growth of a particular company for your tuition from SourceEssay coursework help experts


The challenge of how to slow the pace of biodiversity decline presenting a wide overview of economic activities and humans intervention. The benefits from the wildlife generally are non-markets thus many stakeholders and biodiversity protectors have shown their disregard. Despite the fact that conflicts among the stakeholder and wildlife threat could be adjusted by forming potential economic policies also systematically allocating the cost and benefits to the preservation and preservation of wildlife, therefore at the end this study concludes wildlife exploitation and cost must take into account while making policy for maximum output, however, it will be necessary to develop the economic incentives to come up with everyone shares.




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How Wildlife Protection Affects The Economy


According to the living planet report, 2018 published by The World life Funds, the wildlife population become halved over the past four years. On average world economic forum has documented an astonishing 60% decline in the population of mammals, insects, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. The top threats underpin in this report are directly linked to anthropogenic activities, habitat loss, overhunting, overfishing etc. Carter Roberts, president and CEO of WWF-US said, this has created urgency among the whole nation as the report shows warning shots. It reminds us we need to change. 

Wildlife protection causes both cost and benefits to society. Benefits from wildlife predation, livestock, hunting and fishing lead to an almost 56% decline in wildlife and 23% are almost at the edge of survival. Consequently, a reduction in carnivores’ predation on livestock in eastern and Sub-Saharan Africa severely reduces the quality of life (Gren, 2018). Apart from that the conversation of wildlife residence into agriculture land occurring mainly in developing countries causing raises of economic cost but it reduces the animal counts residing on top of food level chain. In this article, we try to present an exploratory overview on the estimation of values and costs of wildlife as well as trying to elaborate national policies meant to describe economic incentives for conflict resolution among stakeholders.


During the conference of the parties of the convention on migratory species (CMS), more than 120 countries came together to decide whether to grant protection to migratory and endangered species such as African lions, polar bears, hammerheads including sharks and whales. Online assignment help team found since these species move from different boundaries, countries that have signed CMS agreements considering adopting the resolution to mitigate the risk of exposure to migratory wildlife. 

Over the past decades, policymakers are putting tremendous effort into aware of the benefits and costs of wildlife to the economy. The majority of small island developing states and countries are dependent on tourism, for instance, the global diving industry generates $4 billion in revenue every year from utilizing wildlife resources in fact in Fiji the shark diving industry generates massive revenue for its GDP worth of $42.2 million per year(Lewis, David & Nelson, Erik. 2014). 

In a study of United states fish and wildlife services, it was revealed the bird watchers making a huge amount for the US economy worth $32 million similarly Safari in Kenya contributes to $1 billion per year( Gen, 2018).

World economic forum collaborated with the CMS to encourage the free flow of migratory animals also imposes guidelines via countries can reduce the number of threats by making sustainable policies. However, things on the paper could see a wide range of gaps when it moves to implementation

As per the economic prospectus and assignment helperthe population size of wildlife-related to the cost and associated benefits to the society. A few studies have shown the conflicts among the stakeholder and wildlife threat could be adjusted by forming potential economic policies also systematically allocating the cost and benefits to the preservation of wildlife, Many times it has been seen some stakeholders are not ready to compromise while there is some stakeholder who blamed for the wildlife intervene policies to reducing their yearly income. One of the significant reasons was identified is massive changes in land farming over the past 50 years, according to UK wildlife reports. Since 1980s government are offering farming incentives and urges not to convert wildlife lands into agriculture lands, but the recent facts depicted the changes even more worrisome than it was back in 10 years ago. 

In Africa, Lions numbers are declining due to illegal hunting poaching, but if we take local perspectives, lions are harmful to the livestock as they pose an innumerable danger. Economic advises poorly designed environmental policies are making the plight of wildlife even worse. 

Economic Efficiency And Failure

Environmental economies have become one of the significant factors as people have become concerned about environmental damages. The fact that some wildlife whether it is flora and fauna are on the verge of being threatened is considered a special form of wildlife damages. 

Economic efficiency is defined as the maximization of well-being and citizen welfare within society. Economists use monetary metrics in terms of defining economic surplus. The surplus accruing to consumer identify the difference between what consumer pay for goods and services and what they get from consuming bundle of goods and services.  

Both wildlife exploitation and cost has to take into account while making policy for maximum output, however, it will be necessary to develop the economic incentives. However, it is less clear how much wildlife conservation affects economic growth. The economic theory proposes that services consumption from the natural habitat leads to lesser damage to wildlife habitat. But in reality, economists and assignment writer believed not all the economic activities consumes no natural resources that will be only in theories. For instance, many health care services are using ozone-depleting substances and toxins. A service will be viable only when enough consumers are available to purchase goods.

Based on the simple percepts, economic growth and wildlife conservation are conflicting goals. In principle, conflicts have been surge deeply among stakeholders when some of the stakeholders are not able to fully compensate for the loss caused by the eradication of natural habitat

Over the years, the wildlife society (TWS) is reviewing the relationship between economic growth and wildlife conservation. The report derived concludes economics is paramount to wildlife conservation since economics is the dominant science at all of the levels of government policy-making procedure. 

In 2015, the 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development formally adopted by the entire United Nation member shared a blueprint for prosperity and the planet now and for the future. At its core, one of the goals of sustainable development continually focused on biodiversity driven policies.

Economics Of Threatened Species

Currently, it was getting dull and mist engulfing the forest spotting survival even more difficult. Although the nations have developed several wildlife conservation policies some of successful in the pocket, stabilizing in human size and reducing the human-caused impacts becoming even more challenging than ever. Earth’s population is around 7 billion estimated to increase by 76 million per year. International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species, established in 1964 reported more than 37400 species is threatened. The purpose of the red list is to inform the decisions taken by multilateral environment agreements. At present, there are 41% amphibian, 34% conifers, 33% red reefs corals, 14% birds, and 23% mammals are at the risk of declining. The IUCN list is used by different governmental agencies, policymakers’ wildlife conservators’ students, and universities massively to create urgency in citizens. With time IUCN list turned out to be an indispensable part of economies (Bulte,, 2003).

Despite the high proportion of the threatened species, countries collaborated with the United national making an effort to reverse or halting the declining biodiversity. A paper published under the journal of conservation biology attributes to thanks how closely a species being fully functional in the wide range reported due to actions. pink pigeon (Nesoenas mayeri), and grey wolf (Canis lupus) were saved from extinction because of collective efforts made by many governmental and non-governmental organizations of different countries(Trauger., 2003)

Dr Jon Paul Rodríguez, Chair of the IUCN Species Survival Commission addressed during the conference, The IUCN green status aims to formulate a conservational guide and meeting sustainable goal 2030 or beyond to provide qualifying metrics to cheer conservation success. The IUCN green status of the wildlife integrated into IUCNRed list of Threatened species in order to provide a complete picture of decline or increasing biodiversity, risk exposure, and recovery progress. Get to know more about IUCN red list from Sourceessay online essay help team

How Many Species Extinct So Far

Extinction has been identified as a natural process of planetary revolution. In 2020, IUCN have not accounted all the taxonomic group in fact 6% of all have been assessed. Till the data 90% of the 4 billion species either have gone or red-listed by IUCN. 

Source- Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser (2021)

Many experts and essay typer opined we are at the sixth stage of planetary evolution as the living planet index reported an average of 68% decline in wildlife population since 1970. The major loss accounted for the tropical regions that support most of the diverse ecosystem. The United Nations Convention biodiversity on biological diversity set the twenty Aichi Biodiversity targets expected to be achieved by 2022 however no one has achieved the date. 

As given in the above chart, we can say out of 900 species have touched the extinction zone since 2015, and as per Roser and Ritchie, 2020 study, 85 mammals, 159 birds, 80 fishes, and 35 amphibians categorized as accurately estimated stats of species being extinct either because of habitat loss or progressive economical activities. 

The IUCN provides the data for the groups where approximately 80% of species have been evaluated. Around one-quarter of the mammal’s population, 1 in 6 bird species and almost 40% of the amphibians are at risk. 

Many essay helpers said continuous human pressure on wildlife is responsible for pushing the wildlife in the blink of extinction. Why and When did it happen no one knows?

But before taking individual level extinction scenarios, we have to first understand the influence of mass extinction on the country’s economy. Extinction occurs naturally and periodically over time nevertheless background rate to the timing and frequency will be constant. Evolution leads to the generation of new species with extinction. It would tell us there is another specification that has been running off as a part of the evolutionary process

In the case of mass extinction, it is referred to as a much higher extinction rate than normal with time. During mass extinction, at least 70% of the species enter in extinction sphere in the shortest time interval greatly imbalance the food chain reducing the success rate and inhibit the natural process of extinction (Pennoyer 2000).  

There are 5 major events of Mass extinction that have been recorded on the earth 500 million years ago history. It shows major mass extinction came into light either because of climate changes or the composition of land, ocean and surroundings.



Species Percentage Lost

Causes of Extinction

End Ordovician



Intense interglacial and glacial create massive swings in the sea level moves upto shoreline drastically. Tectonics uplifts of the Appalachian mountain created ample weathering, sequestration co2 along with it ocean chemistry got changed

Late Devonian



Diversification of planets and rapid growth generated severe and rapid cooling

End Permian                                         



Intense volcanic activities noted I Siberia, causing global warming, elevated CO2 and Sulfur concentration lead to ocean acidification, acid rain

End Triassic                                          



Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) underwater volcanic activity causing global warming dramatic shift in ocean current, climate change

End Cretaceous



Asteroid collision in Yucatán, Mexico causes global cataclysm and cooling. Intense volcanic activity and tectonic uplift also noticed

Source- Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser, 2021

Get to know more about mass extinction and its impact on the economic growth of a particular company for your tuition from SourceEssay coursework help experts


The challenge of how to slow the pace of biodiversity decline presenting a wide overview of economic activities and humans intervention. The benefits from the wildlife generally are non-markets thus many stakeholders and biodiversity protectors have shown their disregard. Despite the fact that conflicts among the stakeholder and wildlife threat could be adjusted by forming potential economic policies also systematically allocating the cost and benefits to the preservation and preservation of wildlife, therefore at the end this study concludes wildlife exploitation and cost must take into account while making policy for maximum output, however, it will be necessary to develop the economic incentives to come up with everyone shares.




Impact Of Greenhouse Emissions On Economic Growth Of United Kingdom


There has been a growing consensus at the global level indicating the impacts of climate change on different aspects of life are majorly attributed to greenhouse gases emissions. One such growing aspect of concern has been the economic growth of nations. While variables like rising temperatures, melting ice caps have had long-standing concerns, the shift in other climatic variables like changing in the level of humidity, regular flooding, changing patterns of precipitation have been having a significantly profound impact on the business activities as well.


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Changes in patterns of wind speed, patterns of precipitation, and flooding on coastal regions of docks has been affecting both primary and tertiary sectors and thus and overall economic growth. For a long span of time, the rise in greenhouse gas emissions has been directly related to industrial growth and development. As the industries would expand, production would rise and subsequently lead to more emission of greenhouse gases as well. The United Kingdom took the initiative of fighting by the strategy of decoupling. The aspects of industrial development, the subsequent rise in GHG emissions, the economic impact of GHG emissions, and finally UK’s strategy of decoupling have been discussed in this study.

Economic Aspect Of Climate Change

There has been a growing concern for the emission of greenhouse gases prevalent for decades. The scientific evidences find that if there is a constant rise in the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide or CO2, now these emissions would have a significant economic impact of climate change

However, the rise in greenhouse emission is also directly related to the rate of growth of an economy. An economy which is more inclined to industrialization, the emission of greenhouse gases tends to increase with rising demand, increasing industrial activities and subsequently leading to a higher level of production. But it is just the side of rise in level of production that presents a positive picture on the result from greenhouse gasses emission. More than these emissions reflect the economic growth, there is rising concern on the adverse impact on the economic activities that greenhouses gases emissions project to have.

The studies from different nations carry out different studies depending upon the climatic factors that have been impacting their economy. However, developed nations like the United Kingdom, USA, Brazil, Australia, etc have been able to develop sophisticated approaches to address the economic factors while ensuring the decrease in emission of greenhouse gases. The developing nations on the other hand tend to be more vulnerable to effects of the greenhouse warming. These nations do not have access to the technologies that result in lower carbon emission, thus, the road to development for these nations leads to further emission in greenhouse gases affect economic growth, and further share in dealing with greenhouse warming.

On the part of the United Kingdom, the nation has already dealt with severe consequences of greenhouse warming and has been subsequently deploying approaches of decoupling to reduce the impact of greenhouse emissions and climate change on its economic growth. These aspects have subsequently been discussed later in this paper.

Economic Approaches To Greenhouse Emission And Global Warming

Six major greenhouse gases have been identified as the contributor of the greenhouse effect, these include carbon dioxide (CO2); nitrous oxide (N2O), perfluorocarbons (PFC), methane (CH4), hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). The emission of these gases combined tends to endanger the health and welfare of the public, their ability to contribute to economic growth, and the adverse impact on future generations as well (EPA, 2021).

Figure: Tradeoff Between The Consumption Goods And Non-Renewable Sources Of Energy
Source: (Pettinger, 2021)

The production possibility curve showed above reflects the tradeoff between the consumption level of goods and subsequent non-renewable sources of energy that are deployed at the production level of these goods. For example, if the tremendous economic growth in the previous century has led to steep decline of energy resources and subsequently resulted in significantly high level of emissions into the environment leading to significant development in the spectrum of economic growth as well. There has been a decline in non-renewable sources of energy like coal, gas, etc. but furthermore, there has been a significant change in environmental affects and waste management.

The climatic changes further impact the economic activities that are directly related to agriculture, fish stocks, food supply, and the businesses that are dependent on these are raw material. Thus, this tends to have a directly adverse impact on the subsequent economic growth as well (Pettinger, 2021).

The Limits theory in this aspect suggests that more the level of economic growth is, there are higher chances of environmental damage, and further this damage would act as a break in the aspects of economic growth as the economic forces would first have to deal with the impact of these climate change aspects on the business. There is another school of thought that infers to the fact that the level of toxins that have been spewed into the ecology due to inconsiderate growth has further led to pressing problems (Pettinger, 2021).

UK’s History Of Greenhouse Gases Emissions, Climate Change And Risks To Industries

By the period of 1850, the United Kingdom was one of the top most emitters of carbon dioxide in the world (carbon dioxide tends to be one of the major contributors in terms of greenhouse gasses emissions).  This was the time of significant industrial growth of the United Kingdom and industries require all sorts of exhaustible resources to be deployed for constant production and exports (Friedrich & Damassa, 2014).

Subsequently, this started to show adverse impact on the economic growth of the UK resulting in polluted water bodies, affecting the cycle of air pollution, dense smog, leading the nation to pass the clean air act as well as climate change act to address these seeping issues from affecting the health of the population and having an adverse impact on the economic growth as well. Economic growth is directly related to the ways industries and businesses in the nation operate. The empirical evidences reflect that particularly in the United Kingdom, greenhouse emissions have resulted in erratic climate changes which have started posing severe risks to several industries. Rise in the phenomenon of flooding as well as extreme weather events not only impact on the agricultural and fishery industries but also tend to have a profound impact on the allied industries like shipping, telecom as well as transportation sectors which show severe hit due to incidents resulting from climate change (CCC UK, 2017). To know more take assistance from Coursework help experts of SourceEssay.

Many parts of UK have become severely prone to flooding in recent years which have directly corresponded to the risks to which the businesses are exposed to, due to rising exposure of business sites to these disasters. While some areas are low risk regions and easily manageable in terms of handling the consequences of the flood, for other areas, the risks and exposures can be significantly greater, having a damaging and lasting impact on the industries. United Kingdom is also an island nation, so due to constant flooding, coastal erosion is one such significant economic loss as numerous industries rely on these for robust international trade.

The United Kingdom has a global supply chain from its coastal regions which extend to global markets. The weather related disruptions of climate change pose a greater risk to hamper these areas of trade subsequently having a profound impact on several other industries in the nation (Climate Change Committee, 2017).

Greenhouse Gases Emissions And UK

The economic growth in the United Kingdom represents the evidence of absolute decoupling in the span between 1985 and 2016, in the period where the gross domestic product has seemed to grow by around 70 percent per head, while the CO2 emissions have subsequently fallen by around 34 percent at the same time. This result can largely be attributed to the major economic structural changes, strict enforcement of environmental regulations like the clean air act, climate change act, etc. 

The emission in UK can be understood by the factor that the just-in lockdown occurring due to the pandemic, the carbon dioxide emission in the nation has fallen by around 10 percent in comparison to the year 2019 (Department for Business, 2021). Since the rise greenhouse gases emission was at large since the industrial revolution, the rising greenhouse warning also raises the demand for space cooling devices, which has a further impact on the rise of emission levels (Office for Nationa statistics, 2021).

Environmental Impact Of UK’s Economic Growth

A lot of goods and services have a tendency to escape the national income evaluations, leading to a direct impact on the calculation of growth. As per my assignment help experts Areas like human health, capacity to work, physical and mental fitness, which are directly related to the level of production and growth in the economy, but are also likely to be severely impacted by the environmental factors and greenhouse gases (Nordhaus, 2020).

Over the past few years, in order to decrease the adverse impact of climate change over economic development, the UK has been tremendously investing in the framework of decoupling. The term decoupling in this sense advocates the idea of dissociation of economic growth to greenhouse gas emissions. In the past the emission rate have reflected the pace of industrial development, but the same emissions have led to tremendously adverse impact on the economic growth of primary and tertiary sectors, and hence laying an adverse impact on the national economic growth on the whole.

In consideration to the consumption of non-renewable sources of energy, in the decades of economic growth in the United Kingdom has parallel been contributed to the higher level of pollution, potential loss of environmental habitat as well as global warming. Consequently, these elements like air pollution and global warming in turn have been having an adverse impact on the way. All these have been achieved because the constant climate change and greenhouse gas emission issues have led the government to invest in ways that are more reliable to renewable energy (EPA, 2021). You can ask electricity emission rate report from SourceEssay write my assignment experts team.

There are cross-cutting factors that impact the economic growth of the United Kingdom owing to climate change in the aspects of greenhouse emissions. The interaction of these risks is majorly the most concerning issue. For example, greenhouse gas emissions directly leads to warming and further melting of ice covers; this subsequently results in the rising in the coastal water levels. While not only these affect the primary industries like agricultural or fishing, they also impact tertiary industries like transportation which is heavily reliable on the coastal infrastructure. Even though there has been little assessment of the actual economic impact that there has been owing to greenhouse gas emission, it cannot be denied that the magnitude of direct loss of economic growth owing to these factors has not been significant (World Economic Forum, 2021).


Cross Cutting Economic Issues Of Climate Change In UK

Source: (CCC UK, 2017)

Particularly from the spectrum of economic growth, greenhouse emission and climate change impact different people in a different manner, depending on their economic status. In the aspects of lower-income households, they tend to be highly susceptible to the impacts of climate change at large (reflected in the above figure). Essay help identified climate change can severely impact their need for resources to survive in heated climates, the disposable income of these consumers tends to have a significant impact. As the low-income consumers are already low on resources, they further have lower capacity to adapt to market changes as well.

The other issues that are related in this aspect include that addressing the issues of climate change at local and public levels also require knowledge, access to resources, availability of data as well as skills to deal with the adverse impact.

Decoupling Strategy Of UK And Its Economic Impacts

The term decoupling in this sense advocates the idea of dissociation of economic growth to greenhouse gas emissions. In the past the emission rate have reflected the pace of industrial development, but the same emissions (as discussed above) have led to tremendously adverse impact on the economic growth of primary and tertiary sectors, and hence laying an adverse impact on the national economic growth on the whole. It was back in 1985 when the UK laid its decoupling strategy on roll. The nation started investing into newer and greener technologies which would allow the significantly similar level of growth but with lower levels of emission. Thus, the businesses and nations in the economy are required to comply by acts like Climate Change Act 2008, which commits that the technologies used in the growth and development are not leading to greenhouse emissions.

The rationale behind this process is simply to break the direct relationship that has prevailed between economic growth and greenhouse gases emissions. The United Kingdom has significantly been able to achieve its targeted growth under the decoupling process as the economic structural changes have contributed in the overall economic growth while reducing the national level of emissions of greenhouse gases. However, the region is not devoid of the consequences of global warming that has been a result of greenhouse gases emission at global level. The data from 1985 to 2016 presents that the UK has somewhat been able to achieve that target, however, its economy still remains being affected by global GHG emissions, melting ice caps, and rising threats of coastal flooding which form a significant part of UK’s economic sectors (Office for Nationa statistics, 2021). In case you have doubt, get immediate assistance from do my essay for me experts of SourceEssay.


In the above discussion it can be clearly established that since 1850 and subsequent industrial revolution, with rise in industrial expansion, the economy of UK has led to significant emission of greenhouse gases that has further contributed in the various set of climate changes which have been severely impacting the economic growth and businesses of the nation as well.

Many parts of UK have become severely prone to flooding in the recent years which have directly corresponds to the risks to which the businesses are exposed to, due to rising exposure of business sites to these disasters. While some areas are low risk regions and easily manageable in terms of handling the consequences of the flood, for other areas, the risks and exposures can be significantly greater, having a damaging and lasting impact on the industries. United Kingdom is also an island nation, so due to constant flooding, coastal erosion is one such significant economic loss as numerous industries rely on these for robust international trade.

As a result, the strategy of decoupling has been deployed in the nation to break the direct connection that has been prevalent in industrial expansion and the subsequent GHG emissions. The data from 1985 to 2016 presents that the UK has somewhat been able to achieve that target, however, its economy still remains being affected by global GHG emissions, melting ice caps, and rising threats of coastal flooding which form a significant part of UK’s economic sectors.

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Elements Of The European Law Used In International Business Law



European law has always influenced international business operations. Four specific and very important European legal regulations have guided aspects of international trade. This is the reason why various researchers have contemplated on the topic of manners in which European regulations impacted international trade outcome (Beugelsdijk, Ambos and Nell, 2020). In order to analyse the influence of European regulations on international trade the time of policy and the parameters influencing European as well as international law should be studied in detail.


In March 2017 the United Kingdom and figured article 50 of the treaty on European Union by providing a formal notification to the European Union that the UK wants to leave the European Union. Since 31st January 2020 the UK is not a member state of the European Union anymore. The UK has its trade policy on an independent basis. However it is still a member of the world trade organisation but no longer a counterpart of the European Union. Within the world trade organisation the country had to negotiate the goods and service schedule as well as other commitments of the world trade organisation (Bradford, 2020). At the time of document in the UK already provided the schedule of concession covering the trade with goods however it was still negotiating the schedule of specific commitments and also a list of article to exemptions which covers trade in business and services.

The concessions by European Union for goods also remain unchanged. Nevertheless the existing quantitative commitment of the European Union like tariff rate quota needs adjustments in order to reflect the withdrawal of the UK from European Union. In may 2018 European commission proposed regulation on apportionment of the tariff rate Kota to the European parliament as well as council. In the year 2019 European parliament provided approval to the regulation which was actually adopted by the council later (Lenz, 2020). New quota as well as the European Union apportionment has been included in regulations and it is applicable to the UK from 1st January 2021.

Since the end of the transition period, UK has been adopting trade defence instruments on independence level. In accordance with write my essay portal Anti-dumping followed by countervailing as well as safeguard measures which has been critically imposed by the European Union regarding import from the third countries in principle are no longer applicable to the imports within the UK. The UK actually developed the trade remedy transition policy and determined that it will maintain several of the trade remedy measures of the European Union. Since the 1st January 2021 the deducted of trade remedies investigation has the competence of investigating claim which have been dumped or avoid the imports which have injured the UK industry (Beerbaum, Piechocki and Mindlin, 2019). During the time of documentation, the UK already started four important subsidy investigation which targets biodiesel from US and Canada followed by wire rod from China as well as the continuous glass fibres from China. UK law assignment help also initiated investigation for imposing safeguard measurement on specific steel products.

International Trade Negotiations

The European Union countries state that free and large free trade agreement within the last few years has been changed. In December 2017 the European Union actualized the negotiation of the economic partnership agreement with Japan. The EPA between European Union and Japan was signed in July 2018 at it entered into force on the 1st February 2019. The European Union Singapore free trade agreement was enacted since 21st November 2019 (Strange and Zucchella, 2017). The European Union Singapore investment protection agreements will also be implemented after it has been ratified by all member states of the European Union according to their individual national procedure. In April 2018 by European Union as well as Mexico reached political agreement in terms of principal over the trade aspects of the global agreement of European Union and receiver. The negotiator demonstrated and concluded the leftover technical details in April 2020. It is a currently undergoing agreement in terms of internal pressure you are from both sides in terms of preparation for signature as well as ratification. The next global trade agreement which showcases the impact of European regulations on the international trade is the European Union Vietnam trade agreement as well as the investment protection agreements signed on 30th June of 2019 (Collinson et al., 2020). Trade agreement entered into force on 1st August 2020. The investment protection agreement is also entering into force after all the European Union member states have ratified. At the time of documentation the six member states also ratified the investment protection agreement. The European Union as well as the mercosur States like Argentina and Brazil and Uruguay and Paraguay also reached their political agreement on 28 June 2019. The text of agreement is being currently reviewed for legal confirmation.

The agreement is experiencing criticism from the civil society on the basis that it does not significantly considered as environmental impact of the above mentioned agreement. It is also criticized for the absence of potential language for addressing issues like large-scale deforestation. In May 2018, the council adopted negotiating directives for the free trade with Australia as well as New Zealand. The negotiating directives are highlighted by the commission in September 2017 incorporate the particle guidelines regarding dispute settlement as well as military cooperation which involves cross-cutting disciplines regarding regulatory coherence as + transparency followed by information exchange as well as mutual recognition and sustained use of goods regulated practices (Evenett, 2019). These negotiations are currently being practiced. Since September 2015 European Union is operating for inclusion of an investment for system in all of the European Union trade and investment negotiations on an international basis. The council as a component of the new policy of the European Union on investor-state dispute settlement authorised opening of the negotiations for convention establishment with the help of a multilateral court for settling the investment disputes on March 2018. In this case negotiations have been conducted under auspices Nations commission on the international trade. The European Union has been suggesting a permanent independent and completely unbiased court infrastructure which will allow third party intervention as well as appeal. In November 2011, according to do my assignment experts the European Union as well as the member states to submitted their comments to the secretariat of the United Nations commission on international trade regarding its draft notes on the appellate mechanism as well as enforcement issues (Sadeghi et al., 2019). At the time of documentation the European Union has been conducting the stakeholder meeting regarding this initiative.

Initiatives Regarding WTO Appellate Body Crisis

In December 2019 the world trade organisation appellate body was removed from functioning. During that time a quasi judicial institution the world trade organisation was actually left with an individual AB member’s state. The athlete body requires three independent members to hear any appeal and the fact that only Hong Zhao remains to be the individual member of the body renders its functions to be ineffective. This kind of a crisis in the dispute settlement system of the world trade organisation happened because of the persistent refusal by USA to agree with the launching of the appointment process of the new Appellate body members which can only be done by means of absolute consensus since 2017 (Ciftci et al., 2019). The fact that the body does not function at the current time has two important outcomes which are as follows:

– members do not have the appeal panel reports anymore being heard within the world trade organisation framework which emphasizes them to be a single stage dispute settlement system during the world trade organisation

– All the members still have the authority to appeal to their final reports technically. The appeal will be however ineffective since there is currently no function appellate body you will be hearing them. Therefore the panel report could not be additive so long as there was no one to hear to the appeal and the rule on it. It implies that no violation will be able to take shape and there will be no implementation of recommendations (Gutman and Teslya, 2018). Because of the absence of implementation complaints will not be able to take any counter measures which imply that the dispute will never be resolved. To know more take assistance from assignment help UK rendered by SourceEssay

The European Union introduced two important kinds of instruments in a deal with the two initial above problems. In the first place the European Union concluded that interim arbitration agreements with China and Norway are followed. The agreement service based on article 25 of understanding on rules and procedures which govern the settlement of dispute allowing the world trade organisation members reduce the arbitration as ordinary process for dispute settlement in case both the parties to the dispute actually agree on the same process will stop the agreements required the different parties in a dispute to make an appeal before arbitrator rather than appealing to the non-functioning appellate body. April 2020 European Union as well as other 18 world trade organisation members like Australia and Brazil and Canada and China and Chile and Colombia and Costa Rica and Guatemala and Hong Kong and Iceland and Mexico and reduce land and Norway and Pakistan and Singapore and Switzerland and Ukraine and notified the respective multiparty appeal arbitration arrangements to the members of the world trade organisation (La Torre et al., 2018). At the time of documentation there are other seven members’ states of the world trade organisation that joined the interim appeal arrangement.

Secondly on the 12 December 2019 the commission position the proposal of amendment of regulation 654/2014 regarding exercise of the rights of the union for application as well as enforcement of the international trade regulations. The objective of amendment is providing the European Union with greater powers if it gets a positive ruling from a panel however the other party to the dispute did not agree with it in the arbitration agreement and therefore lodged the appeal in the void. This is the reason why it is impossible to develop a binding rule. Based on the proposed amendments the European Union imposed different commercial policy measures like custom duty or quantitative restrictions over import and export of goods and products all public procurement measures for enforcement of final report against the third countries. The regulation was actually not designed for admission in this situation however the commission beans amendment is necessary (Bueno, 2019) in current development at the world trade organisation level. On the 12 February 2020 1 hero in parliament, as well as council, extends the scope of enforcement regulation for covering services as well as intellectual property rights. The council and parliament should joint declaration which expresses their desire to develop a legislative proposal for anti coercion instrument. As per international business law directories, this instrument should protect the European Union from and you for insurance over the domestic policy. The apprehended timeline for this proposal to be enacted is still not clear.

Foreign Subsidies

17 June 2020 on commission adopted white paper regarding levelling the playing field so far as the foreign subsidiaries are concerned (COM(2020)253). The initiative is implementing one of the European Union actions listed in joint communication of march 2019 named the “EU-China- A strategic Outlook” with the objective of addressing distortive impact of foreign state ownership as well as state financing on internal markets. The white paper is proposing three models in order to address this impacts caused by the foreign subsidies in an individual market (Janssen et al., 2020). The first module proposes establishment of a generic instrument which will be responsible for capturing all viable distortions by the foreign subsidiaries in an individual market place. According to this module the foreign subsidies can be remedied by means of the reader receive payment as well as a structural remedy which are subjected to European Union interest test.

The module addresses the aspect of foreign subsidiary which facilitates acquisition of the European Union companies. This module entails notification requirement where organisations benefiting from financial support of non European Union government acquire the European Union companies. The module 3 address is harmful impact of foreign subsidies on the European Union public procurement process. Again and notification requirement has been imposed on the bidders which received financial contributions from the non-European Union countries. The supervisory authority will then be responsible for the assessment of whether there is a foreign subsidiary and whether it’s made the public procurement process and fair and it can lead to the execution of the bidder from the procedure (Dimitrov and Plachkova. 2021).

The commission announced in the commission working program of 2002 one that it will be publishing to separate legislative proposals which include the impact assessment in context to the second quarter of 2021.

Trade Agreements


The European Union has been a member of the world trade organisations since it was developed in 1995. There for all 27 member nations in the European Union are also counted as members of the world trade organisation. The urban union is responsible for speaking as well as negotiate for the union as well as all the member states at almost all the meetings of the world trade organisation formed by any situation and handling of the disputes of the world trade organisation which schedule or indirectly involved in any of the nation States of The year convenient. It is also responsible for coordinating the negotiation commission of the European Union with the individual member states by means of consultation with the trade policy committee of the council. The commission is also responsible for David informing European parliament’s international trade committee on the world trade organisation issues (Schmitz, 2017). As said by law assignment writer European Union is a signatory to the 3 natural agreements within the framework of the world trade organisation which are the civil aircraft agreement followed by the government procurement agreement as well as the information technology agreements. It has also been plated that the 2005 protocol emitting elements on the trade related intellectual property rights 1994 and the trade facilitation agreement of 2014.

The European Union is also a component in the negotiations regarding electronic commerce followed by investment facilitation as well as domestic regulation and the subsidy for the fisheries. In a component to that European Union is also involved in negotiations regarding the international environmental goods agreement as well as the trade in services agreement both of which are currently being implemented.

As important principles of world trade organisation regulation incorporating a ruling issued by the dispute settlement body can not directly impact in the European Union as evident in the international fruit company NV and others (21/72) ECLI:EU:C:1972:115 and Portugal v Council (Case C-149/96). Component of the legal order and having the significant binding impact the world trade organisation regulations are not able to deliver subjective rights which can be invoked by individuals. Therefore the rules of the world trade organisation and the ruling by the dispute settlement body can never be invoked for supporting any action regarding damage on ground of the European Union extra contractual liability (Berger‐Walliser and Scott, 2018).

However, the world trade organisation law can be considered in the following situations:

– European Union second law is open to more than one occasion the code is expected to select interpretation which is consistent with the world trade organisation regulations as evident in the Hermes international versus FHT marketing choice court case. Besides that the agents will be able to invoke specific world trade organisation provisions before the court of justice of the European Union when any European Union images Candy refers to the specific provisions as evident in the Fediol versus commission case. The major at stick has the objective of implementing the regulation enacted for providing access to a specialised and specific obligation undertaken in the world trade organisation contact as it is evident in the Nakajima v Council case. The exceptions have been interpreted (Schwartz, 2019).

The European commission is able to bring about infringement proceedings against the member states based on violations of the world trade organisation obligations as evident in the commission versus Hungary case. Get to know more from coursework help associated with Sourceesay.


International business law is a practice of the law in the global business community as well as most of it accommodates emphasis on economics as well as law followed by international commercial transition and licensing and recovery fund taxation along with other related topic. The international business law is variable on the basis of jurisdiction. It develops on the top of basic business law concepts by expansion of the same over the international arena. A detailed analysis of economics as well as law provides an attorney with analytical Framework which is important for considering legal as well as economic impact of particular policy as it continues to arouse with the international commercial regulation. The international business law is always associated with trade or commerce in one way or the other. Considering the influence of specific transaction or impact of the policy on transactions and important segment of the practice area can be considered. The public international law issues impact the commerce as well as straight in different ways. The law of several various jurisdictions come into play in individual transactions. Analysis of specific regulations for each jurisdiction should be completed before determination of which jurisdiction is at best for providing transaction. The trade agreements have a particularly impact on the international business law. Two or more countries might join together for specific field agreement in order to define specific aspects of commerce or trade. In this regard we can highlight the North American free trade agreement is an example of agreement alongside many other free trade agreement consideration as highlighted in this research study. In this case the trilateral agreement between various countries or quadrilateral or or multilateral agreements are intended to reduce the great investment barriers between the respective number of nations. Such agreements are developing between different countries as well as the European Union which helps in making commercial transactions easier. Licensing of various property rights is a primary issue in the context of international business regulation. An organisation in a country will be able to develop specific intellectual property the company might then have the item produced in a specific country or it can also licence the other organisations with the authorisation of producing this item in various different countries. Based on negotiation of each of these transactions the rights licence or maintained by individual different companies at the basic focus of commercial transaction. The law in individual jurisdictions all comes to play in determining the way in which the transaction is negotiated.

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Can Facebook Advertising Help Businesses To Grow?


Social media has changed the way businesses running online and with the explosive popularity of Facebook, there have been many pieces of research seen examining Facebook marketing and its implications on businesses. In the business world, social media has created its own niche, organizations are hiring social media analyst community managers in bulk to get more and more user data. Since Facebook inception in January 2004 by a Harvard sophomore Mark Zuckerberg, over 600 million active users are connected with Facebook. Facebook profiles are more detailed than any other networking profile thereby produces a great marketing and business opportunity.

Facebook is a gateway for the business to grow and maximize their profits. Marketers are keener to utilize the business tenacities as a part of their company. Small-medium enterprises are running campaigns over the Facebook platform to expand their business. Globally the total number of users on social media platform is estimated to grow from 3.29 billion in 2023, that is 43% population of the whole world. The amazing part is Facebook sole has 600 million active users, providing enormous opportunities to different business to embrace this dormant marketing channel. In this study, we will try to address the pertinent question, can Facebook marketing really helps the business to grow?

Social Media- An Era Of change

Since its beginning, Facebook is significant culturally become a vital channel for business to promote their goods and services including those who relies on the political sphere. As per online assignment help source in  2012, Facebook accounted for over 600 million active users that make it one of the largest social networks in the world. The attractiveness of Facebook proactively supports the marketers to create and run simple ads campaigns no matter what is your targeted audience.

At present there are two aspects of social media, the first platform major and minors will be used to provide underlying technology and business experience and second, it has largely been driven by user interference. The rise of social media and the way it has impacted both marketing and consumer behaviour might recall the earlier popular site such as Myspace and Friendster. These are the precursors to Facebook development and every next social site development. Along with Facebook, there are continuous chatting sites such as WhatsApp, Snapchat, Internet Relay Chat built on the early digital mobile standard of the 2000s. 

Across all the social networking platforms including Facebook, historically to the present, the dominant business model utilizes users monetization by giving them access to advertisement. Trusov 2009, demonstrated certain kinds of interaction happened only at social networking sites that can provide positive outcomes to the business such as new customers, acquisition of the products. More recently many research companies have started to explore the rise and fall of social media platforms to discuss advertisement tactics

Facebook Facts

As we have already discussed how the Facebook witnessing billion of users with time, for any firm, this is a cheap way to spread marketing news and a brief overview of products and services being delivered across the world. Nowadays marketers should use Facebook to build higher customer engagement. From 2014 -2015 the content at Facebook has increased 35% but the engagement level is decreased by 17%.

At the current time, 9 out of 10 employees in the US and European countries have their presence on Facebook having marketing issues. For much traditional company who has great presence offline, still find it difficult to promote their services online. They still exist a huge knowledge gap that makes them unable to utilize the features of this platform effectively.  To know more about Facebook strategies, get instant assignment help from SourceEssay.

In an analysis of the 30 biggest Facebook pages, and their positing behaviour in 2016, it was examined, the average brand posting will be done 1.2 times per day. Bigger giants like Disney and Amazon posting 3 times on an average every day. 

Source- Wurth and Stueber, 2016

According to assignment helpers to get the best views, posting has to be done on weekends at 9 A.M and in between, 1 P.M to 3 P.M. This is because people seem to be happier on Sunday, Friday, Thursday and Saturday and this would be the best timing too for posting. However, it is also examined by Wurth and Stueber, posting at 3 P.M will account the most clicks and at 1 P.M sharing of the post will be hired. 

Brand Pages Advertisement

Everyone in today times experience online shopping and recurrent brand posting till we buy the products. This is because every movement of the customer is closely analyzed by these sites. At Facebook, every kind of organization, association, group team can display their advertisement page or share it within the potential group where they can generate leads. 

On Facebook companies available solely to generate sales, social donation groups, NGOs, universities or even a person just wanted to reach a wider customer base. Facebook allows the organization to create a brand page as well conducting n number of events without charging anything. Many companies often underestimate organic marketing because it is free, however, some startups still utilizing this mode to reach a large audience. A private person can sell their products, clothes, even technology items etc. Get to know more about organic traffic relevance for your tuition assignment from an essay writing service driven by SourceEssay.

Commercials On Facebook Itself

Advertising banners across Facebook are often personalized because everyone will leave one mark over the platform but beyond that some rules and policies you have to adhere to. Most of the advertising firms ask for personalized data from Facebook to sell the brand that they want. The classical way to identify the types of customers is called cookies. Everyone must have seen the cookies when they visit any site. Small text files of the website are saved on the computer to recognize the customer meanwhile a quite new technology emerges called browser fingerprinting. The information got from both sides merged to produce a detailed profile of the customer with preferences and aversion of the products they consume. This data Facebook provides to the company that they further used to set the targeted audience preference list.

Factors Influencing Customer Behaviour

Before running campaigns and creating an advertisement page, every firm must know the factors influencing customer behaviour on Facebook. Shao and Ross in 2015 illustrated how Facebook users are highly influenced by the content visible to them. For the customer who is already familiar with Facebook entertainment won’t be important anymore. Marketers should always have this in mind to redesign the campaign, banners and generating more and more online discussion such that more reviews will be spawning when the quality of products will be higher.

If the marketers are trying to catch their consumers, again and again, this also tells about their consumer attitudes. Experience and Extraversion iskey to increasing customer engagement. Similarly better knowledge of the consumer and products belongs to infinite activity on Facebook. The point is that sharing of the content is open and it is most likely influences consumer behaviour. Consumers are experienced more advertisements that are not just commercial even those are a bit emotional too. Multisensory and photos are getting good feedbacks, like comments and shares as compared to simple banners.

It is often identified consumer shares the post received from another customer that doesn’t mean to commercial. The sharing of brand posts is quietly helpful in initiating the prices of goods and services. As per January 2012 data, 12 million people like brand pages every day and about 50% of all follow the brand page. This is because world companies’ investment in brand pages has been increased by $4.3 billion. To know more about Facebook aspects and their effects on consumer behaviour, ask cheap assignment help from SourceEssay experts anytime.

The Rise And Fall Of Facebook Marketing

The concepts of Social media ads and mobile marketing have improved the user’s experiences and exploring the customer profile. According to the research of O Milley, 62% of generation 4 has access to the community and among them, 48% joined the community who are just there to promote or sell respective brands. In fact, the same research revealed, only 19% will check the ads and 39% will never check the ads. People use Facebook just to socialize rather than thinking to buy products. 

In many stances, organizations create a community page or a group page where they can connect the community directly who have an actual interest in buying products. In some studies, it is also hypothesized, in this situation, a community member will feel ownership and they might refuse the company to enter in their personal space. Fowder, 2016 suggested, users also comes with a fear of leaking their personal information which is to be shared with friends or selected members. An alternate study revealed users are greater risk-takers than those who never entered the social networking sphere, and they are quite aware of privacy policy concerns and questions to be asked.

At Facebook, it is the seller duty to the communicate brand positively to enhance the word of mouth techniques rather than emphasizing trying the products. And if Somehow seller dominates the community member, then it will somehow losses the benefits and opportunity might get served. Many organization spend $10000 on sellers in a hope they will solve the challenges comes during marketing at Facebook and conquer the distinct challenges. The other cost company would incur is the opportunity cost and time that they used to develop the marketing strategy.

Surprisingly in research of essay help conduct, it has been identified 65% of the respondents have denied they were benefited from the social media campaigns in fact they incur losses. However the research can be misleading as 36% of them have said, they don’t have the much practical data required to analyze an investment. The same report also said the success of the company was even get enhanced when they incorporated social media strategy along with the offline advertisement.

Ertell, 2010, believed loyal customers always want to connect with the company through social media, but it is totally business responsibility how they are using Facebook to attract the customers. Ertell said, 49% happily joined the company, and ask for more product information but for that company needs to produce relevant, fresh and interactive content on Facebook.


Facebook is becoming the newly emerged highly used marketing tools companies exercised to enhance brand awareness, maximizing profits and reaching to wider customers. Organizations are interested in exchanging information, spreading product information and enjoying online trading mode. Marketers are keener to utilize the business tenacities as a part of their company. In this article, we came to know small-medium enterprises are running campaigns over the Facebook platform to expand their business. The attractiveness of Facebook proactively supports the marketers to create and run simple ads campaigns no matter what is your targeted audience. However every time it should be kept in mind that sharing of the content is open and it is most likely to influence consumer behaviour. However to use Facebook, effectively it is the seller duty to spread information positively to enhance the word of mouth techniques rather than emphasizing trying the products because people use Facebook just to socialize rather than thinking to buy the products. In Facebook, every kind of organization, association, group team can display their advertisement page or share it within the potential group where they can generate lead. 

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Economic Downturn And Financial Crisis


At the very present moment, whole world is suffering from Covid-19 pandemic situation. The drastic uncertainty has also been generated in the world economy due to this pandemic situation that is leading towards a major financial crisis. Previously, the world economy has faced major financial crisis through great recession during 2007-2008. Due to this, the world economy and financial system have suffered till the year 2010-2012. Followed to that, after one decade, the financial crisis is more likely to happen by disrupting the whole financial and economic system across the globe only as a cause of Covid-19 pandemic situation. However, covid19 itself could not be the only major factor to create an uncertain condition of financial crisis in 2021, the predictions of the financial crisis could be pushed further by several other factors. And, experts are assuming that to cope with this financial crisis, ethical banking practices, and their profitability could be major turning points. Thus, with this article, the holistic picture on predicting the next catastrophic financial crisis in 2021 and the way banking profits could be ethical or helping in controlling the crisis situation could be drawn. 

Background And Concept

Covid-19 pandemic has created the crisis for global economics as in these two years people across the world has faced several situations, like, lockdowns, trade collapse, closure of the hospitality sectors as well as border closure. This kind of situation has further created the volatile situation of the financial market. Most of the world therefore has faced several financial crises due to this negative effect in this time. However, the solutions for this global financial crisis were depending on the policies and regulations of the respective governments (Vizardet al. 2019). Therefore, it can be stated that as every nation’s recovery matter and could structure the economic outlook of those respective countries. Along with that according to the economists and assignment maker around the world, the success or failure of a major economy could create some impact on smaller or developing nations either positively or negatively. Concerning this discussion, it can be seen that the US economy as well as some other developed economy is hoping for the economic development in later period post Covid-19. In this matter one can easily follow the IMF report where they have projected the financial condition for the year of 2021. As per the world economic outlook of the IMF, the global economy could expand with the rate of 6% in the year of 2021 which could be increased from 5.5% growth rate in January (Isaksen, 2019). IMF has stated that this could be possible as recovery due to the financial crisis of these economies could be possible faster-than-expected.

On the other side, this has been seen that during the global recessions due to covid-19 pandemic most of the economy was shatter and it was expected that the entire world economy could face financial crises. But due to the proper stimulus of both fiscal as well as monetary policies, the economies of China, US as well as Western Europe has seen the positive growth in GDP by 6.4%, 8.4% and 4.5% respectively. Again, the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean or LAC as well as countries of Europe and Central Asia or ECA has seen the GDP growth by 4.4% and 3.6% respectively (de Oñaet al. 2018). Therefore, from this overall situation it can be stated that developed countries in this way have the capabilities to recover their entire economy with a short span of time. But the problem could be faced by the poorer countries as well as developing countries. As per the predictions of the World Bank, most of the developing countries could face issues in 2021 and global recessions can take place at that time. This has been predicted that every economy more or less could face an economic downturn which could create constraints towards the developmental goals and poor people from developing or underdeveloped countries could again face extreme poverty. Therefore, the first quarter of 2021 of these countries could face economical headwinds in different sectors as travel and tourism sectors as well as hospitality industry has been totally shattered. Along with that, there were subdued capital flows as well as tight financial conditions (Bernanke, 2018). Based on this it can be easily predicted though developed economies could solve their problem easily with a positive note in 2021 aftermath of Covid-19 affect on universities underdeveloped countries could face serious issues both economically and financially.

Economic Downturn And Financial Crisis

In relation to the above discussion, it can be said that an economy or world economy as a whole would face economic downturn or financial crisis fundamentally due to government inefficiency. Failures in both national as well as international financial deregulations, global imbalance persistence alongside absence of certain international monetary policy or system and inconsistencies among world trading with fiscal and monetary policies are the key driver. All these factors drive the economy to face major crisis (Ahnet al. 2018). Previously, before the pandemic situation, it could be found that the world economy has been growing. After coping with the great recession during 2007-2008, world economy has faced significant growth and increase in employment rate, GDP growth as well as national income and so on. The world economy has faced a global growth forecast of 3.1% in 2018, reflecting robust growth. The increase in GDP and unemployment rate in last decade has stabilized the world economy by helping out millions of people from poverty, specifically in the fast-growing economies of South Asia. Activity in advanced economies has also seen anticipated growth by 2.2% in 2018. Additionally, growth has been visible in emerging markets as well as developing economies with projection to strengthen up to 4.5% in 2018.  Get to know more from management assignment help of SourceEssay.

However, on the other hand, although it is seen that economic growth across the world has been stable prior to pandemic situations or financial crises before 2021. However, in reality, it is observed that there have been certain factors and economical events that have pushed the pandemic situation to create larger scene of financial crisis in 2021 (Zouaghiet al. 2018). US’s increase of tariffs on certain Chinese imports and China’s retaliation by increasing tariffs on subset of US imports have slugged down the global financial growth even before the pandemic situation occurred. Softening inflation, subdued demand and investments for consumer durables throughout advanced as well as emerging market economies with firms and households being continued to hold back long-run spending has also one of the reasons that triggered the financial crisis. On the other hand, previously events like; UK’s leaving the EU (Brexit Impact) has created recession in late 2016 and early 2017 by making the economic and fiscal growth to be slow down for minimum of five years due to investment reduction.

On the contrary, in case of emerging economy of India, it could be found that even before Covid-19 pandemic phases, the economy was at its worst ever deceleration phases. This is due to economic imbalances, poor governmental policies and financial planning and projections. Alongside these national economies’ condition; trade and technology tensions, muted inflation, mixed policies cue and shifting in risk appetite are the leading factors that provoked this financial crisis situation. Alongside disruption to trade and tech supply chain, disinflationary pressures, global political risks and abrupt growth in risk sentiments have been still there in the world economic environment, when Covid-19 hit hard leading the global financial system to be disrupted. These factors as a result have created disordered financial market with massive volatility and vulnerability, which pushed this pandemic situation to make the financial condition to be worsened (Martinezet al. 2019).  Therefore, with the above discussion and accounting behaviour finance, it is certain that only Covid-19 is not the factor that played behind predictive catastrophic financial crisis in 2021 as the financial sluggishness was still there in the global economy; the pandemic situation has only pushed it further.  

Predictions Of The Catastrophic Financial Crisis

It is stated that the entire world is experiencing the greatest recession in last 74 years due to the effect of Covid-19 and it has directly affected the livelihood of the people. Now this is important to know about the financial and economic conditions of the world in 2021 so that one can understand whether there could be any kinds of serious financial crisis or not in that year and after that year. The discussion is as follows:

  • This has been seen that most of the countries has faced lockdown in first quarter of 2021 which causes the diminishing support of the fiscal policies and increase both private as well as public sector debt. But still as the developed economies, like the US as well as European unions were able to survive with strong economic aspects, the world GDP growth has increased about 4.6% in 2021 after continuous declining in 2020 about 4.2% (Tooze, 2020).
  • In 2021 it can be predicted that most of the economists as well as policymakers in the debt market will shift their goals to more sustainable environment so that they could easily maintain both economical as well as sustainable environment. This is because emphasis on ESG goal or environmental, social as well as corporate governance goal could help the governments of the respective countries to mitigate the financing difficulties of commodity or energy markets and new investment could be made due to the contribution and accomplishment of ESG goals.
  • This has already been discussed that global financial sector especially the advanced economies could avoid any kinds of major financial crisis in the year of 2021, but with this situation they could face banking issues as it has been stated that banking risks could be enhanced (Boyceet al. 2018). This is because due to the global financial crisis the regulations and policies have been reformed which has improved the liquidity conditions throughout the global banks. Therefore, the lack of credit requires the bank to prepare themselves for meeting the crisis of high unemployment and enhanced bankruptcies.
  • At the second half of 2020 the prices of the commodity products have been increased due to the rebounded global economy. This kind of situation could pressure the margins which could further lead to the high prices for the finished products in the year of 2021. At this time the disruption in supply-chain process could be seen which needs to be resolved slowly. In accordance to this kind of situation it can be stated that monetary policies could be accommodative and central banks will lean towards the FAIT policies in this context (Economouet al. 2019). To know more contact finance assignment help of SourceEssay.
  • This has been discussed from a long time whether economy will face major financial crisis in 2021 or not. Following this discussion, it can be stated that the US economy could be able to start in 2021 at slow rate and will start to recover from the economic downturn. This slow growth therefore could increase at the second-half of 2021 where the US economy could see some expected growth in their GDP. This entire situation therefore could help the undeveloped as well as developed nations to recover their economy as most of the economies of those countries depend on the US economy.

Therefore, it can be predicted that the world economy wouldn’t face more financial crisis in 2021 as there could be certain developed economies which could provide major support and strength to the weak economies (Fujiharaet al. 2017). In this way the world economy overall could recover in 2021 at slow rate.

Ethical Banking : Concept

Significantly, in accordance with the above discussion and critical evaluation, another argumentative standpoint can be created that ethical banking could be beneficial in counterattacking the catastrophic financial crisis that world economy is predicted to be seen in 2021. Fundamentally, the concept of ethical banking has exhibited that it involves consciousness of the way banking practices are affecting the society and environment as a whole. Financial institutions that focus on ethical practices seek profits like other conventional financial institutions. However, they strive for generating earnings without sacrificing any of the principles and processes that could create negative impact or harm. Therefore, it is certain that banking profits are indeed required to be ethical (Climent, 2018). More concisely to observe, ethical bank is different from conventional banks as they seek profits by promoting projects investment with ethical and social impacts. In this context, experts have developed contradictory viewpoints as some of the market experts believe that ethical banking profits are not to be considered as profit as they only have the sole purpose of ethical social impact. And, conventional banking is the most appropriate practice of financial system. Conventional banking has higher profit earnings growth for financial institutions with liquidity and solvency factors at the core.

On the other hand, ethical banking movements towards greater environmental as well as social responsiveness and responsibilities, have increased awareness of influence, which ethical banks could exhibit through their lending policies. Thus, keeping this in consideration, in present time with emerging issues and financial crisis through Covid-19 pandemic in 2021, it can be said that ethical banking would facilitate and proper measurement. Ethical banking would give encouragement for transparency while helping in building strong communities and establishing set of principles that would further govern the way and to whom the financial resources would flow (Khanand Mohomed, 2017). Although at initial stage, it could be seen that ethical banking profits would not be highly significant and might have narrower picturesque than conventional banking. Moreover, it could also be said that financial crisis would seriously damage the banking and financial sectors’ reputation all across the globe alongside its profitability and insolvency risk. This may lead several conventional banks to adopt a sustainable banking approach with the goal to balance long-term profitability with short-term performance pressure neutralizing in economy.  However, to cope with the predictable catastrophic financial crisis in 2021 due to the pandemic situation, ethical banking would be the best solution. Specifically, in terms of involved movements like; ethical investments, impact investments, CSR investments alongside fair trade movements and ethical consumerism, ethical banking practices could help the national and global economies and nations. That could also be observed in terms of reforming and strengthening their economy and financial system and structure. With the aim to create more highly equitable cost distribution in society alongside economic and financial equilibrium position in the market during this crisis, ethical banking would focus on impact investments (Callejas-Albiñanaet al. 2017). Thus, by emphasizing the practices of ethical banking in correspondence to this current financial situation across the globe, it can be certainly said that all the activities executed and initiated by ethical banking practices would be beneficial and profitable in long-run. Get to know more about ethical banking from SourceEssay coursework help online experts.

Effect On Ethical Banking During 2021 Financial Crisis

In context to the above discussion, it is clear that adopting ethical banking practices would be effective to cope with the currently emerging financial crisis in the world economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With the current economic uncertainty, global financial banking and financial system have become disrupted. Practically to see, in contrast to the 2008 financial crisis where banks were blamed for being aggressive and irresponsible, banks are now being perceived as trusted institutions. It is not only the businesses and consumers that have put their trust on the banks and financial institutions to cope with the recessions, the governments across the globe have also turned to banks (Saidet al. 2017). In effort to deploy money to the areas where it is needed more, the government has turned to banks that are also opting for ethical banking practices. And, this is continually being to form the backbone of the financial system to distribute additional aids, in terms of Covid-19 related spending packages. Therefore, it can be said that ethical banks are not entities that are striving for maximizing profitability rather than focus on social welfare. On the other hand, it is seen that growing social and environmental consciousness due to pandemic situation and the fact that the lockdown period has made people to reflect on the effect of the organizations that have been patronize. That is also by enhancing the interest in areas like; sustainable or ethical banking.  And, as a result of ethical banking effecting on the financial crisis, the key impact can be found through one of the greatest growth areas that is impact investing (Ibrahim, 2017). Market research across the globe regarding exploring ethical funding as solutions for financial crisis due to pandemic situations has shown that ESG investment is the most resilient. Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) investments are most effective financial solutions to counterattack the catastrophic financial crisis that has made the global market to crash and interest rates to be fallen.  Additionally, supporting the small businesses and providing corporate donations, grants have also exhibited sustainable effects through the practices of ethical banking during the currently observable catastrophic financial crisis. And, by doing all these sustainability banking activities to cope with the emerging financial crisis, it can be said that the banking profits in long-run would be ethical. And, it would prove to be strong for giving new direction towards financial and economic reformation during post-pandemic financial crisis (Pérez, 2017).


Thus, based on the above discussion and critical evaluation, it can be implied that the next catastrophic financial crisis that is highly predictable in 2021 due to covid-19 pandemic situation would be highly impactful. Specifically, the negative impact of the emerging financial crisis would create a global recession and economic growth would be slowdown. Particularly, developing or emerging economies like; India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan alongside underdeveloped nations like; African economies would face major financial downturns. And, the prime reason for this could be poor monetary policies, economic reformation by the government. On the other hand, the developed economies of China and USA have already paved the path for coping with the financial crisis. Despite having lower growth, the economies of these developed countries are moving fast. Dozens of US states are loosening restrictions and making industries that have been closed due to lockdown reopen while paving the path for money circulation and economic equilibrium in the market. In this context, ethical banking could be highly beneficial as impact investing and sustainable banking help in reforming economies and showing governments across the globe to review the fiscal and monetary policies to fight against the financial crisis. All the developing and emerging economies markets are recommended to comply with banks for ethical banking purposes to strengthen the economy and financial system from the coming financial crisis. 

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Write That Essay: A Practical Guide To Writing Better Essays And Achieving Higher Grades

Are essays a refined form of Torture? Or a simple tool testing combination of facts and figures? An essay laid on the logical sequences comprises both the content i.e what is said and in which way it is being said. An essay is a simple document that follows stylistic conventions, strategies and certain rules, all of which are necessary can be mastered and learnt.



 For assuring readers get convinced, it is important to add adequate information that follows up legal sequence whose flexibility should be higher. Once Willian Shakespeare said, the pen is mightier than the sword – the inspiration behind a good essay structure comes from promptly dissection of sources, brainstorming ideas and impeccably sourcing those ideas. 

Essay writing can be asked at any level of an academic career. A good essay should begin with a hook be it a quote or analogy or even a question. Once you guide the readers on what will be going to discuss in the whole write that essay, the next paragraph or body content should contain the main idea or background information at last understand the main claim you actually want to put forward. A proper paragraph or an essay not only helps in achieving unity and coherence but also helps in enhancing readers understanding. A well-versed statement in the conclusion helps to maintain unity throughout the essay. There are infinite amazing facts yet waiting to be explored which we discuss in the given section.

Essay Writing Workbook

An essay is a written document usually written to convince readers or just simply inform readers about a particular topic or about an issue. A contemporary academic essay is quite a different form of essay Bacon writes in the seventeen century. In most cases, whether it is a long or short essay there is a link between the form of style and content. There are several key points made further are dialectic links mainly opposing the argument. This can be inferred from the derivation, an essay should be subjected to employing appropriate strategies of expression be it introducing the different aspects of claims or tally up evidence to support a certain argument. In terms of dissertation or thesis writing, however, it is essential to have 4-5 paragraphs not to overwhelm the readers but always provide the exact information needed to express the effectiveness of the claim. 

Essay Structure


  • An introduction should be enough capable to grab readers attention at least ones make the essay interesting can begin with a quote
  • An intro moves from general to specific nexus to topics
  • According to essay helpersintroduction should provide the readers with a road map of what going to be a debate or thrash out
  • Introduction information has to be general enough to catch readers attention gradually become more specific when leading to the thesis statement
  • A thesis statement must provide the insight and directed the aim

Body Content-

  • An essay body must be enough capable to support the ideas presented in the thesis
  • A paragraph should have topic sentence that discusses and correlates the thesis statement
  • The three logical ordering of ideas followed within the essay-

Chronological Order– it is good for narrative, align order or timely happened events

Spatial Order– Good for describing the location mainly top to bottom

Emphatic Order– Suspects the least important thing to most important, usually applicable to college writing (Turmundi, 2019)

  • There have been transition sentences maintaining the flow of the essay. A transition can be either one or two words or even a sentence bring reader attention to the next point 
  • Anyone should pay attention to the affix the substantial example and evidence backing up the authors claim. Always cite everything you have written otherwise you may confront Plagiarism issues. On average 40% of students faces problems and got lower marks due to not acknowledging the real consequences of it. Take write my essayguide delivered by SourceEssay.
  • Every example has to be relevant to the study particular if you are given to an analytical and argumentative essay




  • The conclusion brings all the points and subpoints together
  • It refers again to the thesis statement giving readers a sense of closure of resolving doubts
  • It may have argument implication
  • Ensuring readers are left with a thought forces them to rethink the issues especially if it is an argumentative essay
  • Don’t include any ideas that have not been discussed earlier in the essay. 

Essay Structure

Introduction(10% of total word count)

Define Important termsGeneralize the topicList Main Argument CoveredAddress Central ArgumentProvide Thesis Statement

Body(80% of the Total word Count)

Paragraph 1   Topic sentenceEvident InformationEvaluationClosing Statements     Transition Statements (Link)     Paragraph 2-   Topic SentenceEvidence and factsEvaluation Closing Statement   Transition Statement (Link)   Paragraph 2-   Topic SentenceEvidence supporting claimEvaluation Closing Statement    

Conclusion (10% of the total word count)

  Restating Thesis StatementSummarizing main point coveredAdding final Thought  

Distinguishing Topic Sentence and Supporting Details

Topic Sentence- The main purpose of the topic sentence showing how the ideas are related to the thesis statement. It should state the points a writer wishes to make about the subject that generally appears at the beginning of the subject however depending upon the individual organization expectation and audience, can be relocated (Grey, 2014). A topic sentence expresses overall purpose considering the opinion’s author wants to deliver to the readers. For instance

First of all, it is notable to say noise pollution could pose a possible threat to old citizens well being. Due to high pitch and disturbing noise, old citizens and child faces problems to fall asleep. And lack of sound sleep leads to disturbed day cycle would affect the health. Prolonged exposure to noise pollution even causes insomnia, people under the threat of high noise pollution facing anxiety, irritability gravitates the mental stress for a long time

Supporting Details- Supporting details are the core components of the thesis statement and topic sentences. It should be drawn from numerous and credible sources that will be determined in the assignment guidelines. Further, it includes the authors own analysis, Opinion, personal experiences, research studies, interviews, statistics and facts. 

Supporting details mainly provides clarity, explain the main idea, also demonstrate the validity of the idea. There are two types of supporting details used by different essay helpers

Major Detail

Minor Detail

Make a clear picture on the main idea

Explains the major detail

More specific in comparison to main idea

More specific than major detail

It provides statistics, facts and figures helping the main idea to be convinced

Add colourful detains to the major ideas

Answering the main ideas rationalized in the research question

It may or may not be important to support the claims

Example- Since 2002, Dhaka, Beijing and many African countries are seeing the increased infant mortality rate though the government is trying to control the IMR through United national coalitionand National Programme

Major Details- IMR is higher in Dhaka, Beijing and African countries   Minor details- IMR is controlled through United national coalition and National programme

Key To Attractive Write That Essay- Unity And Coherence

Proper essays could be achieved only when it is accompanied with unity and coherence that helps in enhancing reader’s understanding. Unity and Coherence could be achieved only when students know the exact requirements of essay writing but before that let’s know what does it mean by Unity and Coherence

Unity- Unity is referred to as continuity of ideas or Thesis statement. Each statement and claim should be developed logically referring to original ideas every time transition takes place(Sahan,2019).

CoherenceCoherence determines the linkage of the points to help the essay progress logically. An easy way to link the paragraph is by linking the statement using transition words. You can also seek assistance from my assignment help experts of SourceEssay in case you have any confusion 

Essay writing- Do’s and Don’ts

Essay Aspects




Considering all the aspects of essay

Showing biasness and adhering only single view points

Essay integrity

Using thesis statement to direct the readers

Jumping to the ideas when contextualize the main point


Clarifying the issues what will be covered and what should issuewill not cover

Avoid adding conflicts statements


Using old and new research material showing preference to the peer reviewed papers, giving importance to a great understanding of the sources

Using out dated information internet sources having problematic sources, showing no understanding to the source synthesis


Always citing resources legitimately, using quotes with appropriate introductory texts, if quoting add number of pages, and always trying to add plagiarism

Providing false impression to the selected resources, inserting quotes anywhere in the text without acknowledging authors work, if quoting not providing the quotation leading plagiarism(Eunson and Baden, 2012)

Original Thought

Simply demonstrating the original idea

Not giving importance to view points of others and never stating own idea


Using appropriate academic and conventional style, avoiding padding and waffle

Using slang, waffle and sarcasm to increase the word count


Using appropriate and college guided referencing by using footnotes, endnotes, or referencing system including Harvard, APA, Chicago, Vancouver, IEEE

Mixing up referencing including different citing details, listing references not in alphabetical order don’t doing intext citation and always putting them into bibliography


Using simple and clear essay layout, including stats, facts and figure where appropriate

Adopting cluttered arguments, omit graphic where it is not needed or using inconsistent graphics

Match Your Audience Requirement- Use Academic And Workplace Writing

Being a student, you don’t need to be always asked to write essays in managing student role, sometimes the setting will be changed to workplace essay writing. For instance, the writing style used to formulate memos, letters, report, proposal are quite different from academic writing. In the given figure, online assignment help experts have clearly defined the difference between these writing styles-


Academic Style

Workplace Style


Heavenly using the Latin derived words

Strongly using shorter words, Anglo-Saxon derived words

Technical language

Often strong, usually used to simplified the process. Technical Jargons are critically avoided

Words are used to simply the process,


Usage of Passive voice is higher

Active voice uses in significant amount


Readability score generally higher more than 12 +online

Readability score generally lower than +8


Used substantially

Moderate or low use


No or little use of lists and bullets, long paragraph

Shorter paragraph, highly use of short paragraph


Extensively used

Low used even in somewhere in the paragraph. Not required much citation

At times, majority of the companies complains, fresher used to write long paragraph  essayor paper. Whatever role you are performing, always make sure you are matching the requirements of audience. In case you want to know more about the workplace documents writing structure, take essay writing help from SourceEssay team anytime.


Currently, the essay is the heart of the academic world. Criteria of this genre have been identified through how a student maintain unity and coherency. All the essay aspirants want to achieve the highest grades, but sometimes fail to do so, because they don’t adhere to the actual essay guidelines or sometimes produce a lengthy essay without appropriately using transition words. So to make sure you are producing an effective essay, always ensure the introduction are general enough to catch readers attention gradually become more specific when leading to the thesis statement. Similarly, the body paragraph should have a topic sentence that discusses and correlates the thesis statement, and the conclusion must assure readers are left with a thought that forces them to rethink the issues especially if it is an argumentative essay. But when it comes to referencing, mixing up referencing including different citing details, listing references, not in alphabetical order or don’t do intext citation even always putting them into bibliography led distorted essays, henceforth keep the entire points kept in mind before beginning with essay writing.

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